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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

on_picture_save event motion.conf raspberry pi

If you are tying to fire an FTp or shell/java/python command on the on_picture_save event, and its  highly likely
that it is not firing, reason could be that motion user is not able to run  your command at all. 
Do a switch user to pi and try to run that command manually and see if their are any permission issues.
Do a chmod/chown of the file/dir your command is interacting with, check the absolute/relative paths your command
is executing, also do a grep on the /var/log/*.log for errors on your command name, check the motion log file on.

enable the debug log inside the motion.conf file by changing the level to 8 
also if you are running motion on jessie and upgraded from wheezy , these kind of problem will occur.