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Monday, June 12, 2017

IBM Watson knowledge studio for Cognitive modelling for different domains

We all know the NLU understands the basic language structure and can give you keywords and entities from a stream of string or text but what if you want custom entities and keywords from your domain. e.g Aviation or health care specific data and language analysis.

So a normal text can be fed to NLU OOB model and it will generate entities out of it but if you need to train your own model, you need to use IBM  knowledge studio and train the model.

watson knowledge studio train model

Lets get started.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

IBM Watson Cognitive app using Machine learning service Part 2

In the last article on “How to build a Watson cognitive app using node-JS”  we learnt how to get the SPSS model created and make it ready for the machine learning service.In this article we will learn, how to call that machine learning model and get prediction scores on Blue-mix.

This is right time to export the model stream which we generated in the last tutorial, you need to take that .str file and import it into the Machine learning service, To do that you need to bind the machine learning instance

Using Machine learning Model on Blue-mix

Login to the Blue-mix dashboard and create an IOT platform starter app, you can search for the boiler plate from the catalog page.

* In case you don’t have blue-mix access, you can always get a 30 day free trial.

Once your app is created, let it start for a while and click on the URL.

Once you click the URL you will be able to see the Node-Red flow page for that app.

Please note that when we use boiler plate, by default one node-red app is booted in the node JS run time,default memory is 512mb.

We will be connecting our node-red app also to the prediction service and we will also be creating a custom node JS app which will bind to the prediction service.

Friday, June 2, 2017

IBM Watson Cognitive app using Machine learning service


Cognitive App building with IBM Watson machine learning service.

Recently I have been hearing a lot of noise on cognitive and machine learning so I thought of giving it a try.

The hunt started with making a cognitive app which can learn from the old data and can use prediction service(Now IBM Machine learning) to give a prediction score for the current data.


Lets get started and build a Node JS app which can make real time prediction on IBM IOT watson platform and uses node red for real time predictions.


How to make an App and use the IBM Machine learning service

  • Getting the data
  • Installing IBM SPSS modeler tool
  • Finding and creating the right model
  • Stream the model out and use in machine learning.
  • Use machine learning in your red-node and node JS app
  • Show to contents on screen or save in cloudant DB