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Friday, May 19, 2017

How to build ionic mobile app? Part 3 Services, Factory and Promises


In our last section on how to build ionic mobile app part 2 , we saw how we could send data from a page to controller and how we could access the scope variables and how we could set them from the controller.


In this section we will cover three main aspects:

  • Services in ionic
  • Factory
  • Promises

    Now we will design the second tab of our screen where we will have the asset details, lets say we have a truck and we want to fetch the details of this asset from the remote system.




    How to build mobile app using ionic ? Part 2 The Architecture


    Last tutorial on How to build an ionic app part 1, we learnt how to quick start and get the components installed.In this part we will learn the architecture and map it with the code.

    Please note we are talking about ionic base version here which is V1.


    Lets map the architecture with the code base.



    Thursday, May 18, 2017

    Debug ionic app with visual code

    If you are using visual code and don’t know how to debug the mobile app code, you are missing on a versatile feature of visual code.

    Some of the developers use visual code to only debug the mobile code, but a very few actually know how to attach the debugger to the live code and debug, it will also do a live reload of the application and will simulate in the browser also, in case you don’t want to debug in the real device or the android emulator.


    Lets download the debugger for visual code, available for cordova.


    Wednesday, May 17, 2017

    Ionic app development on virtual machine with Android SDK

    If you have planned to use virtual machine for mobile development and you have used VMware or virtual box to emulate the android device from ionic, this post is for you.

    If your app is ready and working via the ionic serve, its right time to bundle and see if it can be deployed to the android device. There can be other reasons like you may want to test the Bar code or the GPS of your phone inside your app. In both the cases you will need to build the app for android via ionic and render it inside the android emulator.

    In this section we will see how to quickly setup the android device emulator.
    First you need to download the android sdk and run the installation.
    Download and run the setup with Admin access.
    If PATH and ANDROID_HOME are not updated after the install is complete, do that manually.
    PATH – /sdk/tools
    ANDROID_HOME – /sdk

    Open new windows command prompts and test the path command by typing android, it should work.

    Now its time to build our ionic app
    > ionic build android

    You might face an error on the build, about some license crap.
    Follow the solution below.

    Can't accept license agreement Android SDK Platform 24
    Follow this

    If the build is successful proceed, else keep debugging it.

    It should build the app, lets test if ionic is connected to the emulator.
    > ionic emulate android

    If android emulator doesn’t turn up, it could be a problem with your AVD(android virtual device) or the hardware virtualization is not enabled for your VM, I mentioned enabling the Intel Vtx setting of the processor on the vmware settings in the tutorial (How to build a hybrid mobile app using ionic ?)
    vm processor android adb virtualization

    Deploy ionic app on a real android device via USB on a virtual Machine

    In case you are ready with your ionic app and you want to push your app to the virtual machine either vm ware or the virtual box, this article is for you keep reading.


    This article will help in following situations:

    • You are not able to run the ionic app on your android device as a target and the live reload of your android app is not working.
    • If  your virtual machine is not able to load or list the devices and its not found on the system.


    ionic on android real device error

    I am assuming you are done with your ionic app creation and you have your real android phone and your virtual machine, vm ware in our case is ready.

    How to build a hybrid mobile app using ionic ? Part 1 Quickstart


    This will be  quick start where we will be setting up the components and understanding how ionic framework works and how to get started.I am using a Windows 8x 64 bit VM for this experiment and I have assigned 4 GB RAM and 60 Gb hard disk to it, I have also enabled the Intel Vt-x support for the two processors I allocated to this VM, we will discuss the advantage of assign the VT-x based processor to my VM later.


    Wednesday, May 10, 2017

    how to add a load balancer on google cloud platform ?


    To add a load balancer as a front face to your application, you need to create an instance group first.

    An instance group is a group of your instances which will be a front end for the load balancer backend service.


    Maximo as a service on Google Cloud Platform part 2


    In the last tutorial on how to install Maximo on Google Cloud Platform part 1

    In this tutorial we will learn how to add horizontal clustering to make our architecture scalable in both the dimensions.

    Lets create a new compute engine node (Windows 2008 R2) and move web sphere installation there.

    I used File zilla to transfer my existing installation to the node

    (Please make sure you zip the WebSphere folder and then transfer, else exploded folder might give errors when you try to run the PMT tool, I wasted 3 hours on it- Errors were around eclipse framework not found and not resolved errors from users/appdata folder)

    Open pmt.bat from( AppServer/bin/ProfileManagement/pmt.bat) and create a CUSTOM profile

    Monday, May 8, 2017

    Create cloud formation template from existing resources


    If you have defined your infrastructure and you want to create a ready to deploy template in the amazon cloud, you will have to create a cloud information template.


    Steps to create Cloud formation Template

    Navigate to the cloud formation template page.



    Wednesday, May 3, 2017

    External IP not reachable on Google Cloud Virtual Machine


    If you have provisioned a new virtual machine on google cloud and you are not able to reach the VM or HTTP or any other protocol, you have come to the right place.

    Yesterday I created a windows machine in Google Cloud and I could not reach it over HTTP.


    Symptoms of this problem:

    • You will be able to ping the machine from internet but http fails.
    • You will be able to telnet on the 80 port but, network will time out.
    • Your windows machine is listening on port 80 but still the external ip is not routing to the machine.


    Please note that you don’t need to have a load balancer to access any machine in google cloud, it should have an ip address either static or dynamic, and it should work.

    Please follow the following steps to troubleshoot,will save half of your day.

    Step 1

    Make a firewall rule with highest rank and allow all tcp:80 for all the instances.



    Step 2

    Navigate to the windows machine and turn off the firewall for a while.



    You can enable it later, but for this test we need to disable it.


    Step 3

    Make sure telnet to port 80 succeeds from your laptop and the apache server on the target server is listening on port 80

    > netstat –an |findstr 80


    It should show LISTENING status on port 80, also check the httpd.conf( it shouldn’t be bound to a specific address.




    Now you should be able to connect to the machine over it external IP. if there are any issues you can comment and I will try to provide more inputs.

    Also if you are able to connect, please enable the firewall and allow only selective ports, 80 in my case.

    Also to note that the example specified above is for HTTP but you might face this while doing ssh/vnc/ftp or any other protocol.

    Keep Reading !

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